Assistive Technology

"For people without disabilities, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities, technology makes things possible." 

-- IBM Training Manual (1991)

Did You Know?

  • Assistive technology (AT) may include any piece of equipment, software, or product that improves, increases, or maintains functional abilities of individuals with disabilities.
  • Every IEP meeting requires the team (which includes parents) to consider whether a child with a disability needs assistive technology.
  • Know your rights so you can request assistive technology for your child, if needed. Below are resources to inform and assist you. 
  • If your child was denied AT and you believe it is needed to compensate for your child's disabilities, call Academic Success Advocates for help.

Assistive Technology Resources

Florida's Assistive Technology Program

Information, Device Loans, Demos, Training

Brevard Public Schools Assistive Technology 

BPS Process, AT Consideration Worksheet


BPS Assistive Technology Team

Brevard Public Schools Website for Assistive Technology.

Guide to Assistive Technology

Excellent AT info in a downloadable PDF 

Assistive Technology Act (as amended)

Law governing AT grants to states

Computers Advancing Education

Gives refurbished computers to students who qualify (located in Titusville, FL).

Atlantic Regional FAAST Office

3280 Progress Drive, Suite 250, Orlando

Considering Assistive Technology video

9-min. video from Brevard Public Schools

Center on Technology and Disability

US DOE project with AT parent resources

Florida DOE Technical Assistance Paper

Helpful AT information for Florida parents